محطة مياه السويس
Mandatory documents and records required by ISO 9001:2015 Here are the documents you need to produce if you want to be compliant with ISO 9001:2015. (Please note that some of the documents will not be mandatory if the company does not perform relevant processes.): The Mandatory documents Scope of the QMS (clause [...]
The problem is no problem The big difference is between focusing on the problem and focusing on solving the problem Example 1 While NASA was starting to equip spacecraft for outer space encounters A big_problem, this_problem is that the astronauts will not be able to write by Pens due to lack of gravity, meaning [...]
Quality Assurance vs Quality Control Quality Assurance vs Quality Control ! What is the difference between quality control and quality assurance? Is there really a difference between quality control and quality assurance or are they synonymous words? Before answering this question, we must first know what quality is. Quality definitions vary in general [...]
99.9 % Quality means Does 99.9 % Quality means a high level of quality? 99.9 % Quality means : · 21.7m lost emails each year in the UK · 19.8m letters lost by the UK Post Office last year · 1632 defective cars sold in the UK every year · 639 lost babies in maternity [...]
What is OSHA meaning? What is OSHA meaning? There are many people who do not know the meaning of OSHA They are the initials of the “OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH ADMINISTRATION” OSHA OSHA is the Occupational Safety and Health Department of the US Department of Labor In short, OSHA is the industrial safety, [...]
Get Your ISO Certificate Now Within two weeks only , call now and get ISO certificates for your company or organization to: – get new export markets – Attract new customers – Adjust the internal system of work to reduce the costs In less than two weeks through Master for Integrated Systems Quality, environment, safety and [...]
Benefits of ISO certification Benefits of ISO Focus on the ISO certificate during the work of advertising campaigns and marketing as it is valuable to the company with amazing results. Obtaining the ISO stimulates the company to maintain a high level of quality especially in the presence of competing companies. Getting ISO. Getting the [...]
Master for ISO Master for ISO policy Master for ISO policy is ” Striving for Maximum Customer Satisfaction in Everything We Do” OUR Company Profile OUR Company was established for the purpose of enhancing the performance of the management systems of Egyptian business institutions. – Master for ISO main office is located in New Cairo, Cairo, [...]